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 Journal 3

Paulo Coelho was born on August 24, 1947 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and he is still alive today. He was a rebellious teenager, and he was admitted to an asylum three times. At the age of 38, he had a spiritual awakening and wrote his first book, The Pilgrimage. It wasn't until his second book, The Alchemist, when he became famous. 

Paulo Coelho wrote "the world is changed by your example, not by your opinion." I feel that Paulo is trying to say that everyone in the world has an opinion, and some opinions may be the same as others, but not everyone agrees on the same 

There are a lot of examples of this in my own life, for I feel that I am a genuine person; I open and hold doors for people, and I try to help people out as much as I can in any way I can. These simple acts of kindness are an example of this quote. If I am doing nice acts onto others, then it is nice to believe that others see this and do this to other people. When someone helps another, he/she thinks about how the act was selfless and kind, and the next time someone needs help, that person will unconsciously help them because he/she remembers what it felt like when someone helped him/her in a time of need. If one is helped, then usually he/she will do the same for someone else later on. 

Works Cited: Editors."Paulo Coelho Biography." A&E Television                  Networks, 2 Apr. 2014. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.                                                                          <>

example. If someone is seen doing something good and selfless, then the idea can be passed on to others who will do the same thing; this would cause a chain reaction, leading to big changes in the world. Paulo is an example of this because he was able to set an example by turning his life around; he also wrote a book that became the most translated book by a living author. Books can be very influential in people’s lives and have the ability to cause change in someone. Writing a book is a good example of changing the world by example, not by opinion.

thing. Having an opinion does not change the world because not everyone is going to agree with it or follow it. The world can only be changed by 

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